Camera File (CAM)
In a camera file there are two types of camera:
- LocalCam - Onbard car camera
- TrackingCam - Trackside and follows the target car
- StaticCam - Trackside and does not follow the target car
Also additionally there can be ambient sounds defined in the Cam file.
Camera Files can be edited via the built in Camera Editor.
TrackingCam=TRACKING001 { Fov=(38.000000, 11.000004) Clear=FALSE Color=(0, 0, 0) ClipPlanes=(1.050000, 2000.000000) LODMultiplier=(4.250000) Size=(1.000000, 1.000000) Center=(0.500000, 0.500000) MipmapLODBias=(0.000000) Flags1=(1) Flags2=(0) SoundName="" SoundParams=(1.000,1,15) MinShadowRange=(0.100) MaxShadowRange=(1500.000) ShadowSplitRatio=(0.920) mPostProcessPresetIndex=(3) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,100.000) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,100.000) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,100.000) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,100.000) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,100.000) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,100.000) ShadowParams=(0.000050,1.000,0.000) ShadowParams=(0.000000,0.000,0.000) Position=(-56.709999, 10.280000, 270.459991) Orientation=(0.130000, 2.400000, 0.000000) ActivationLocation=(-116.034927, 10.110000, 324.220001) ActivationRadius=(25.000000) ActivationLocation=(-200.034927, 10.110000, 350.220001) ActivationRadius=(25.000000) ActivationLocation=(-280.034927, 10.110000, 375.220001) ActivationRadius=(25.000000) ListenerPos=(-3.402823e+038, -3.402823e+038, -3.402823e+038) ListenerVol=(1.200000) RainVol=(1.000000) Groups=15 TrackingRate=(20.000000) PositionOffset=(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) MovementRate=(0.000000) MinimumFOV=(2.500000) }
Combine flags to get the combination of options you wish.
- 0: None
- 1: Auto Zoom
- 2: Chase
- 4: Shake
- 8: Handheld
Used to show if we use internal of external sounds on cars only.
- 0: Use Internal Sounds
- 1: Use External Sounds
This configures which PostFX Preset is used.
- 0; This is used in the Scene Viewer only. It uses Auto Exposure.
- 1; That is used by the cockpit camera only. It should also be used by any onboard cameras in cars. It uses fixed exposure calculations at this time due to a bug in which the cameras would expose higher.
- 2; That is used on Trackside cameras, mainly by static cameras and has a slightly higher Bokka effect in the Depth of Field. It uses Auto Exposure.
- 3; That is used by Trackside cameras and has a slight Bokka effect on the Depth of Field. It uses auto exposure.
- 4; That is used for the Swingman cam and other car cameras which are not inside the vehicle. It uses auto exposure.
- 5; This has a fixed exposure, and is used for the showroom.
See PostFX for more details.
Ambient Sounds
AMBIENTSOUND=generic { FILE=BIRD_AMBIENCE.WAV ATTENUATION=(1.000000, 0.750000, 3.000000, 0.022000) POSITION=(186.667664, -8.311632, 28.671322) }