Using Attack Mode
Attack mode is a mode unique to Formula E, where you must drive through two “zones” to trigger a boost in power. You enable this by using [ATTACKMODE] in the HDV. As always, you can also use the upgrade file to adjust the values.
The way it works in Rfactor2 is mostly the same as Forumla E, you must arm the system by pressing the “Arm Attack Mode” button. After that you have the time defined in AttackModeArmingDuration to go through
Name | Type | Description | Example |
AttackModeEngineMap | Int | The map you want Attack Mode to use when enabled. | AttackModeEngineMap=2 |
AttackModeTimeDuration | Float | How long Attack Mode will stay active once it’s enabled. | AttackModeTimeDuration=30.0 |
AttackModeActivationRequirement | Int | How many times Attack Mode must be used in the race, you will be disqualified if you use less than this number. | AttackModeActivationRequirement=3 |
AttackModeMaxArmings | Int | The amount of times you can arm the system. | AttackModeMaxArmings=5 |
AttackModeArmingDuration | Float | The amount of time you have once pressing the Arm Attack Mode button until it disarms itself. You must enter the first zone before the time expires. | AttackModeArmingDuration=5.0 |
You’ll also need a track with attack zones. Adding them is easy, they’re just like XSectors, except they’re named XAttack. You’ll need XAttack1 at the start, XAttack2 in the middle, and XAttack3 at the end. These need to be invisible, collideable, and in the Reactor section of the exporter, or in the .scn file, you need to set actor to vehicle, and response to attack = Response=VEHICLE,ATTACK.
You can also have two objects, broadcastattacktrigger and broadcastAttackActivate, these are the graphics visible from trackside cameras. You should make sure these are ONLY visible from trackside cameras.