IBL Standard Blend Shader

This is an alternative version of the Standard shader which allows for setting up of various blending techniques on each map as you desire.

This page gives technical definitions.  For usage guide see: PBR - Using Standard Blend Shader

Shader Name



Please note UV_A, UV_B, UV_C or UV_D refers to as specified in the gTexture slot in 3ds Max. There is a full explanation of this here.

Albedo Map

  • Function: Disabled, Switch, Overlay, Multiply, MultiplySquare, Additive, Subtract. Choose the blending method for albedo map.
  • A Map: Enable or Disable the base Albedo Map.
  • A UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar.
  • B Map: Enable or Disable the alternative Albedo Map.
  • B UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar

Detail Map

The Detail map can be applied to various data output. These options are configured further in the parameters section.

  • Map: Enable or Disable the Detail Map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar
  • Albedo: Enable Detail RGB to the Albedo output.
  • Spec: Enable Detail Alpha to the Specular output.
  • AO: Enable Detail Alpha to Ambient Occlusion output.
  • Metallic: Enable Detail Alpha to Metallic output.
  • Roughness: Enable Detail Alpha to Roughness output.
  • Normal: Enable Detail Alpha to the Normal output.

AO Specular Map

  • Map: Enable or Disable the AO Specular map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar

Metal Rough Map

  • Metallic Function: Disabled, Switch, Overlay, Multiply, Add or Subtract
  • Roughness Function: Disabled, Switch, Overlay, Multiply, Add or Subtract
  • MR A Map: Enable or Disable the base Metal Rough map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar
  • Roughness AlbA.A: Use AlbedoA alpha channel for Roughness input. (Only available when MR A map is disabled).
  • MR B Map: Enable or Disable the alternative Metal Rough map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar
  • Roughness AlbB.A: Use AlbedoB alpha channel for Roughness input. (Only available when MR B map is disabled).

Normal Map

  • Function: Disabled, Switch or Overlay
  • A Map: Enable or Disable the base Normal map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar
  • A Map: Enable or Disable the alternate Normal map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar

Emissive / Retro Reflector

  • Emissive: Enable / Disable or Night Time only Emissive functionality.
  • Retro Reflector: Enable or Disable increased reflectivity from car headlights.
  • Mask Map: Disable or choose between two mask options. RG or RGBA. RetroReflector is masked by the Red chanel and the Alpha channel respectively, the Emissive functionality is masked by the Green channel or the RGB channels. The first option is just two straight greyscale masks, the second option allows you to have colour information in the emissive map.
  • UV: UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar

Blend Settings

There is a range of options for configuring how to blend between the configured materials.

  • BlendMask: Disabled, VertexAlpha, VertexColor_R, BlendMap_R, EmissiveMap_A, AlbedoB_A.
  • BlendMap UV:  UV_A, UV_B, UV_C, UV_D or WorldPlanar (Only available when BlendMap_R is selected for BlendMask.)

General Configuration

  • Receive Shadows: Enable or Disable receiving shadows.
  • Vertex Color: Disable, AlbedoMultiply, AlbedoOverlay, AlbedoMultiply (Mask by Albedo Alpha), AlbedoOverlay (Mask by Albedo Alpha) (Only available when BlendMask is not using VertexColor)
  • Vertex Alpha: Disable, FakeShadows (Only available when BlendMask is not using VertexAlpha)



The Base Material parameter section allows the setting of static values when the map for one of the following is disabled in the Shader Configuration.

  • Albedo, AlbedoAlt (Color)
  • AO
  • Specular
  • Metallic, MetallicAlt
  • Roughness, RoughnessAlt


This dialogue allows the scaling of the selected UV for any maps present.


This section allows the adjustment of final output of the material. 

  • AlbedoTint
  • ReflectionAt0Angle
  • Specular: 1.0 is recommend default for most materials. For natural materials this may need reducing to around 0.5 depending on the nature of your specular maps.
  • Metallic: Adjust overall Roughness, lower than 0.5 makes surfaces less metallic. Above 0.5 makes surfaces more metallic.
  • Roughness: Adjust overall Roughness, lower than 0.5 makes surfaces smoother. Above 0.5 makes surfaces rougher.
  • NormalShadowInflunce: Adjust the amount of influnce the normal map has on shadows cast onto this surface.


This section allows the configuration of how the Detail Alpha Channel effects each output.

For the RGB you can choose to use it as a detail map centred around 0.5, or use the alpha to just blend the decal in.

For each of Specular, AO, Metallic, Roughness and Normal you can setup a static base value, and then a blend value.

The blend setting acts as a multiplier onto the alpha channel to scale down the strength of the effect on a per data channel basis.


Here we can configure in more detail the Emissive settings, setting up the strength of the effect and giving it a colour.

  • Colour: A static colour to be applied to the effect

  • Scalar: Configure the intensity of the effect

Retro Reflector

Here we can configure the Retro Reflector effect, which allows us to set the brightness of reflected light from headlights.

  • Colour: A static colour to be applied to the effect

  • Scalar: Configure the intensity of the effect





Default File Type


albedoMapEnabledSRGB (Alpha linear)alb or albaAlbedo map, with optional opacity mask in alpha channel.
albedoAltMapEnabledLinear or SRGBalb, alba, mu, mua, ov, ovaThe function map for Albedo. When using Switch or MultiplySquare this will be processed as an sRGB map. With other functions it is process linear.

The red channel is applied as a mask to Specular output.

The green channel is applied as a mask to AO.


The red channel is applied as a metallic mask.

The green channel is applied to as a roughness mask.

metalRoughAltMapEnabledLinearmrSecond metallic roughness map is blended.

Base Normal map.

normalAltMapEnabledLinearnmSecond normal map is blended in.
emissiveMapDisabledLinearem or ema

When the Emissive Mask Map setting is set to:

  • Mask_RG (em) is used a single greyscale channel mask for the Emissive (Green Channel) and Retro Reflector (Red Channel) functionality.
  • Mask_RGBA (ema) is used as a colour mask for the Emissive map, and the Retro Reflector settings can be masked out by the alpha channel.

This map is optional and you can apply the effects uniformly across the object with out it if you wish.


Note: It is not possible to set this map in 3ds Max - it must be configured from the Material Editor.

Red channel uses to blend between materials.

detailMapDisabledsRGB / Lineardc or dca (sRGB) / ov or ova (Linear)Detail map which is configured to effect other data. RGB applies to albedo with either a simplified overlay function or it can be blended in via alpha channel. Alpha channel acts as a mask to a multiply on other data using static values.