Available Dashboard Display Names

These are the names you'll need to put into you cockpitinfo.ini file. For every instance, you'll need NAMEFont, NameBackground, and NameScale. For example; RPMFont, RPMBackground, RPMScale. Make sure to look at the skip barber in rFactor 2\ModDev\Vehicles\SkipBarber to see how it's done. P2P = Push to pass.

Text Readouts

GearsCurrent gear you're in
SpeedYour current speed
RPMThe engine RPM(Revolutions Per Minute)
OilTempDigitEngine oil temperature
WaterTempDigitEngine water temperature
BoostMotorTempDigitHybrid motor temperature
FuelLevelDigitRemaining fuel
BatteryLevelDigitRemaining battery level for hybrid motor
PlaceYour current position in the session
LapsYour current laps completed. In race will show how many laps you need to do, i.e, 1.5/20.
BestLapYour best lap time in the session.
LastLapYour last lap time in the session.
LCDWill repeat the LCD(default key to cycle is 'enter') onto a display.
TTempLFWill show current tire temperature for the left front tire.
TTempRFWill show current tire temperature for the right front tire.
TTempLRWill show current tire temperature for the left rear tire.
TTempRRWill show current tire temperature for the right rear tire.
TPressLFWill show current pressure of the left front tire.
TPressRFWill show current pressure of the right front tire.
TPressLRWill show current pressure of the left rear tire.
TPressRRWill show current pressure of the right rear tire.
EngineMixtureWill show the currently selected mixture.
BoostMapWill show the currently selected boost map.
P2PMapWill show the currently selected P2P map.
P2PActivationsThisLapWill show the amount of times you've activated P2P on the current lap.
P2PActiveTimeThisLapShows a timer, counting up from 0, of the amount of time P2P has been used.
BrakeMapWill show your current brake map.
BrakeBiasWill show your current brake bias. This will only show the first two digits.
TCMapWill show your currently selected TC(Traction Control) Map. Note, this doesn't show slip or cut maps.
ABSMapWill show your currently selected ABS(Anti-lock Brake System) map.


LEDs are done a little different, they require an animation map in the material, when you link to them in the cockpitinfo file, you are linking to the material name, for example: RPMLED=q50_rtech_ this will look for all the available rtech materials. Check the skip barber in dev mode to see how it's done. Items that are not required to be in cockpitinfo NEED to be named the same as written below.

NameDescriptionAnimation Frames
RPMLEDThese are for the digital tachmoter. You can have up to 31. They are linked to the engine RPM, you can't adjust when rtech23 comes on for example. This needs to be named in the cockpitinfo file. 0,1
P2PAVAILABLE_LEDThis LED will turn on when you're able to use P2P. This needs to be named in the cockpitinfo file. Example: P2PAVAILABLE_LED=P2PAVAIL_LED0,1
P2PACTIVE_LEDThis LED will light up when you enable P2P. This needs to be named in the cockpitinfo file. Example: P2PACTIVE_LED=P2PACTIVE_LED0,1
LED165RPM light. Will activate once you hit a certain threshold. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LED170RPM light. Will activate once you hit a certain threshold. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LED175RPM light. Will activate once you hit a certain threshold. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LED182RPM light. Will activate once you hit redline. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDSLOverheating warning light. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDPSRWill activate when you request a pit stop. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDPSYWill activate when the pit request is accepted. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDLFWill activate when you have low fuel, usually just over one lap remaining, depending on track. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDFRWill activate if you get a black flag. It's not recommended to get a black flag. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDFYWill activate if there is a yellow flag. Does not need to be in cockpitinfo.0,1
LEDFBWill activate if you are shown blue flags. Get faster, and don't put this in cockpitinfo.0,1