TGM Generator

TGM Gen V0.33 - GFI 1975 Front.ods


Fill out details on each page, in the white or yellow boxes.
Then click "Generate TGM(s)" on About sheet, don't worry about any slight problems with formatting (spacing), tTool will take care of it!
Keep in mind this spreadsheet is still WIP, so things will change and hopefully improve.
Grey 'boxes' are generally either 'unimplemented' or it's recommended not to touch those values as they may contain formulas. See the “Keys” on the About sheet →
Only symmetrical tyres are fully supported, for now, though recent changes should make non-symmetrical tyres work it has not been thoroughly tested.
Cells are unprotected, so it's easily screw something up!!!
 'General / Easy' sheet is incomplete and still under brain-storming phase. So it doesn’t fully influence the tyre in the way that you might expect. It does help to set some baselines, though.
Please ensure you are running the V5.4 branch of LibreOffice.  (
This spreadsheet is optimised for resolutions of 2560x1440 or greater (I've tried to make allowances for 1080p).

Basic Procedure / Quick Guide:
1) Set your pTool Tyre Folder Path (see cell About.C28)
2) Shape and size your tyre, keeping in mind that it should resemble the real tyre mounted, but NOT inflated. This can be done in the “Geometry” page, you can use the 'quick adjuster' up top, starting at cell C4. Enter realistic overall tyre dimensions then hit
   apply. This is a shortcut, so depending on the tyre you’re making, it may either be quite accurate, or very inaccurate. By default the quick adjust references cells in the “General” sheet, which define target dimensions. Afterward, you can then manually tweak the shape in cells Geometry.B14:D64. Overall dimensions can also be done in the "General" sheet.
3) Once you're happy with the basic shape, set tread depths in Geometry.L11:L12, road tyres may have tread depths in inches, expressed as '3/8”' (which converts to 0.009m). Remember the depths will be much thinner in the sidewalls than the tread area for such tyres.
     If you feel the need to be more precise, you can edit the thicknesses manually in M14:M62, by replacing the formula.
4) If your tyre has a tread pattern to it, then this must be accounted for. Do so in cells N14:N62 in the Geometry page. Once again, it is preferable to use the quick adjuster in M12. This is a land-to-sea type ratio, how much, as a fraction of the tread, is actually air.
    The typical range should be 0.6 to 1.0 (1.0 for a slick, or maybe you want to use ~0.996, to account for tread depth indents).

5) Moving onto the Construction sheet. Starting at C4, you can specify material properties for several textiles and rubbers that build up a tyre. Textiles and positioning are free, but the names are there for reference / consistency, that is, you could put a belt ply under 'ply1'. The aliases help us by keeping the construction consistent and organised. You'll need to specify reasonable materials for each part of the tyre, if you don't find anything reasonable in the list, you can add more in the “Materials” sheet. For textiles, you need to specify the bounds, the "Start" and "End" node of the ply. The grey boxes with start and end are symmetrical copies for the right hand side of the tyre. I strongly advise not to touch them unless you know what you're doing. Plies will only be active if you specify both a range of nodes and material name from the drop-list. Body plies typically span the entire tyre, from node 0 to node 76 (or however many you have), whereas belts should start somewhere around the tyre shoulder.
6) Staying on the Construction page, scroll down to C38. Here you can fill in your ply thickness and spacings. Just below are the belt angles. It does not quite support some of the modern exquisite ply angling techniques, such as geodesic body plies, however you can customise your own shape should you need to deal with exotic ply angling techniques.
7) Now it's time to move to the “TGM” page. On the top left, you'll be greeted immediately by the test conditions. Fill in reasonable ranges for gauge pressures, temperatures and speeds.
     Depending on your confidence of your tyre design, you'll need at least 2 for each of those. If you're confident with your tyres, add more to improve the detail, the drawback is that tTool will take longer with more tests, so only increase them once you’re satisfied with your tyre.
8) Now that you have specified valid boundaries for your tyres. Go to the 'About' sheet, and click on "Export TGM(s)", and load the resulting file in tTool, and you should be ready to begin generating your first tyre. Note that if you haven't touched the real-time section in this spreadsheet, it's likely to be WAY off the mark. For details on running tTool see below:

Running tTool:

1) Open the rF2 Launcher.

2) Click the configuration page the 'cogwheel'.

3) Select 'Developer'

4) Enter "+tTool" as a command line parameter, and click 'save' on the right hand side.

5) Click "Dev Mode"

6) tTool will load up, under the "I/O - File Name" type the correct filename (including extension, i.e. .tgm)

7) Click 'Display 3D' to show your tyre.

8) Scroll to the bottom, and select 'Run Automated' if you want to generate a corresponding lookup table for your tyre.